Who knew that a new Coronavirus would completely upend life as we know it? It has been surreal to have schools, restaurants, and many businesses closed, and everyone home sheltering in place. It could be worse. We could have been asked to go to fight a war. But instead we have been asked to stay at home. So simple, and yet so complicated. Kids are home trying to adjust to distance learning for the rest of the school year, and missing their friends. We are all missing our extended families. Businesses are struggling to survive, and many people are out of work. My business is taking a hit, but I’m used to working from home, and I’m so very fortunate that my husband normally works from home, and his business is holding its own. Neither of our kids are in pivotal school years, and both are relatively independent. Yet so many others are worrying about how they are going to pay the rent, and where the next meal will come from.
I decided to put my skills to work to help raise money for members in my community who are living with financial and nutritional instability. Inspired by photographers in other parts of the country, I launched #TheFrontStepsProjectSanMateoCty. I added “San Mateo County” to the hashtag, as I wanted my efforts to benefit those in my immediate community. I chose four organizations that are doing fantastic work in San Mateo County — Second Harvest Food Bank of Silicon Valley, Call Primrose, Samaritan House in San Mateo, and the San Mateo County Strong Fund. Each of these organizations are providing vital support for our neighbors in need. I asked families to donate at least $50 to one of those organzations in exchange for a quick picture of their family sitting on their front steps. (Taken from a safe “social distance.”)
The response was overwhelming! I thought I would get a few friends to participate, and the next thing I knew I had 75 families all wanting to donate. Many donated more than $50, and some even had company match programs. So in the end, my little project raised well over $4,000! I couldn’t be more proud that my project was so successful, and that I get to live in such a caring and giving community!